Lost Ark S2 Battle Pass

Lost Ark is an MMORPG released in early 2022 and quickly gained a large fanbase. It is a PvE, exploration, and PvP game set in the vast fantasy world of Arkesia. To players’ delight, the long-awaited Season 2 battle pass has dropped recently on October 12th, allowing players to immerse into the season, enjoy the Battle Pass, and reap its rewards. This article will cover the basics of the S2 pass and how to level through the pass missions.

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Season 2 Lost Ark

The most notable part about Season 2 so far is the Machinist’s appearance as the fifth Gunner Advanced Class option. He was introduced along the Rage with the Machinist update in September.

Moreover, Lost Ark’s development team set out to address the gold
farming glitch
in Strongholds and improve the invalid values of the Rest Bonus in Chaos Dungeons. Along with these additions, the third raid Kakul-Saydon Legion Raid made its way to Arkesia, as did the schedule for the end of 2022.

According to the roadmap, a couple of raids will be introduced with the Mystics Mayhem update on October 26th that will feature the Mystic Abyss Raid, the Achates Trial Guardian Raid, and the Inferno Difficulty to the Vykas Legion raid.


Moreover, Brelshaza Legion Raid will make its appearance in December as well. Finally, two new Advanced Classes, Reaper and Summoner, will join the live servers in November and December to set things up for introducing new classes next year.

Ark Pass S2

The current season’s battle pass launch took place on October 12th, offering players a chance to enjoy 30 levels of missions yielding cool rewards such as pirate coins, Pheons, Legendary Card Packs, and more. In addition, although the pass is free, players can purchase Premium and Super Premium reward tracks.

These are obtainable with Royal Crystals (1500 & 3000) and add another tier of rewards for each passing level and every five levels. For example, the first payable tier includes the Icebloom Deer Mount, extra honing materials, rapport chests, etc.

At the same time, prizes like Legendary Card Pack, Glory and Respite skin collections, etc., are obtainable through the Super Premium tier. The payable tracks are available through December 14th, and missions will be completed by January 18th, 2023.


The first way to level the pass is free and includes completing Season Missions that can yield up to 150 XP and Repeatable Missions that grant 15 to 40 XP.

Alternatively, if you have an abundance of Royal Crystals, you can use 50 and exchange them for 100 XP. However, this is
a limited method, as only three XP purchases, can be made weekly.



Further, you can find the table with all attainable pass rewards, including all three pass tracks.

RewardsStandardPremiumSuper Premium
Glory Honing Material Selection Chest1, 11, 16, 21, 261, 11, 16, 21, 26
Glory Leapstone Selection Chest2, 172, 17
Glory Shard Selection Chest6, 23, 286, 23, 28
Glory Support Materials Selection Chest7, 227, 22
Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest12, 2712, 27
Respite and Glory Headwear Selection
Respite and Glory Chestpiece Selection
Respite and Glory Pants Selection Chest20
Respite and Glory Weapon Selection Chest25
Special Glory Honing Material Selection
Special Glory Leapstone Selection Chest1515
Special Glory Support Materials Selection
Healing Battle Item Chest33
Regulus’ Light Currency Chest4, 14, 19
T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29
Epic Rapport Selection Chest6, 7
Legendary Rapport Selection Chest8, 9
Offensive Battle Item Chest88
Sage Powder Chest9, 24
Rest Sailing Coin Selection Chest13, 14
Utility Battle Item Chest1313
Dye of Rest Reagents Chest16, 21, 26
Buff Battle Item Chest1818
Rest Dispatch Seal Selection Chest19
Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest23, 24
Icebloom Deer Selection Chest30
Any Card Pack1, 27, 28
Legendary – Epic Card Pack5, 295, 25
Legendary Card Pack3030
Una’s Task +12, 3
Una Instant Complete Ticket4
Wallpaper: Void Hall5
Pheon10, 30
Bloodclaw’s Glittering Coin11, 12
Jam Cookie17
Arcane Battery18
Leap’s Essence22

Meet Hammad, a dynamic writer with a passion for gaming and a talent for analysis. With extensive years of experience in the gaming industry, Hammad has a unique perspective on the latest gaming trends and technologies. In addition to writing about gaming, Hammad also guides our team with marketing news and his investment analysis.

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