How To Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows?

Want to Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows?

Are you using an Account that is owned by a family member and you don’t want to share your watched show history?


Are you sharing your account with friends but don’t want to let them know which shows you watch on a daily basis?

No need to worry!

I’ve got you covered with some quick and easy fixes to get rid of Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows.

Netflix is a Mainstream app for movie/series fans. Any Privacy interference while you streaming Netflix. It can be really frustrating for anyone.

Let’s Make your streaming on Netflix Totally anonymous.

READ ALSO: Netflix Error Code M7121-1331

How to remove titles from the ‘Continue Watching’ row.

Before hiding Your Recently Watched Shows remove all the shows you want to delete or remove from continue watching. if you do not do this your shows will be visible to anyone who has access to your profile. let’s remove the shows from

Continue Watching row.

  1. Open Netflix
  2. Select your profilenetflix profile
  3. Netflix Homepage will openHomepage netflix
  4. Now scroll down
  5. Probably the second row is the Continue Watching row
  6. Click on the Three dots three dots
  7. A menu will open
  8. Select the option of “Remove From Rowremove from row

Now the shows which are you watching  is now removed from the row of continue watching,


Still, there is a Viewing history left which have all of your activity data of using Netflix

Follow the next solution to delete the Watch History,

Netflix application

How To Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows?

  1. Login in Netflix
  2. There is a profile icon
  3. Beside the profile icon, there is an arrow click on it
  4. Then a further menu will openRemove Netflix Recently Watched Shows
  5. Select Account option in it
  6. A new window will open
  7. Where you can see your all details
  8. Scroll down and stop at PROFILE & PARENTAL CONTROLS
  9. Here you can see your profile
  10. Beside your profile icon, there is a down arrow icon click on init
  11. Further List  will open
  12. Now select the view activityRemove Netflix Recently Watched Shows
  13. A new will open
  14. Here you can see your whole activity on Netflix
  15. Now by clicking the cross icon  individually u can delete any show
  16. Or you can select Hide allnetflix-hide-all-viewing-history-button-500x500 (2)
  17. Now your Activity will Hide/deleted completely.


Hope this will help you Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows easily

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Meet Hammad, a dynamic writer with a passion for gaming and a talent for analysis. With extensive years of experience in the gaming industry, Hammad has a unique perspective on the latest gaming trends and technologies. In addition to writing about gaming, Hammad also guides our team with marketing news and his investment analysis.

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