Google Will, Itself Destroy Location History Data On Trips To Abortion Clinic, In The Aftermath Of Roe’s Downfall

And, the obvious reason why Google will delete location history data for abortion clinic visits is to push back against the imperious and overly broad demands for data by the government without reference to abortion. 

Be mindful that Google is not against the state. Understand that in response to the Supreme Courts’ decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, million(s) of people who can become pregnant in the US now face a future where they will be deprived to make a deeply personal choice that affects a woman’s biology

NEWS: Google I/O Event: Everything Google Launched

Taking into account the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Google has established a protocol to protect user privacy and will wipe any data associated with abortion clinic visits from the location history in order to curb the law enforcement who try to prosecute those victims using personal data like Google searches on abortion as criminal evidence

The new Google update will soon recognize the location history of visits to:

  1. Abortion clinics
  2. Addiction centers
  3. Counseling centers
  4. Domestic violence shelters
  5. Fertility centers
  6. Addiction treatment facilities
  7. Weight loss clinics, and;
  8. Cosmetic surgery clinics

It will automatically wipe the visits from your location history.

Jen Fitzpatrick, Google senior vice president, wrote in a blog post about the change coming in a few weeks.

Joe Warne
Joe Warne
Articles: 48

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