Watermarks on Downloaded Shorts.
Yes, YouTube Caught You For
Reposting Shorts To Other Platforms

YouTube Wants To Be Credited. Nothing more

And, I second this. YouTube just wants the users to know that the content that gets
across platforms like TikTok can be found on YouTube Shorts.

Sarah, from the YouTube team, shared the update on August 17, 2022, that the company would start adding watermarks to the YouTube Shorts you download.

We’ve added a watermark to the Shorts you download so your viewers can see that the content you’re sharing across platforms can be found on YouTube Shorts,”

the statement reads.

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Nearly every major short-form video platform is peeping into the issue. Take TikTok for example, it places a red and blue watermark on the video download from the app. It puts the creator’s handle on the downloaded video as the watermark.

Now, every time a viewer gets to see that video on another app, they will be redirected back to TikTok and even the watermark will bounce around the screen making it nearly impossible to crop the video to get rid of it.

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Instagram said it wouldn’t promote Reels that had its competitor’s watermark. It further said that they would tweak their algorithm to value original content rather than the ones reposted from other apps. This means that everyone should focus on cranking out original posts to wear the creator’s crown.

Instagram would potentially suppress content that has a watermark from another app. As it turns out, creators can use video editing software like Adobe to edit the same video and then share it across different platforms without worrying about watermarks.

If creators continue reposting videos across different platforms, it could potentially hurt that post in the rankings. As a way out, watermarks deter content creators from putting the same content on other channels.

The new YouTube update (Shorts watermark) will begin rolling out over the next few weeks on desktop and eventually expand its way to mobile over the coming months, as announced by Sarah (TeamYouTube).

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Zul is an avid gamer with a passion for RPG and racing games. He enjoys playing games like Need for Speed and Grand Theft Auto 5 and is also skilled at fixing errors and crashes to enhance the gaming experience. Zul stays up-to-date with the latest gaming news and enjoys sharing his knowledge through writing gaming guides and articles.
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